mercredi 24 mars 2010

Official Google Blog: A new approach to China: an update

Official Google Blog: A new approach to China: an update

Many of us have been quite curious about Google's move out of China. On Google's official blog, A new approach to China: an update ( ) it is presented although the Chinese population is deprived of the world by not having full unfiltered access to the Internet. Borders continue to exist even though the market is the de facto rule. Doing business anywhere the local environment must be considered. This includes China, Germany, Israel, Argentina or even the United States.

This is an assumption that people who are looking for whatever information are incompetent. The Chinese population is well aware of censorship, and many do get around the government censors. A few examples are Tor and
Psiphon. These tools push not only security technology, but also force the population to become more adept at understanding the technology they use on a day to day basis. (Searching for such tools in the Chinese web may be more fruitful... contacts in the real world are also very important. )

Although I do support the bold move by Google, I am not sure it was in their interests by being "sly" or trying to demonstrate they have the most leverage or ability to act. Their services will be replicated or used by local firms, local firms will rebrand an find themselves a way to get into the international market.


In the uncensored world, only a small minority go beyond a newspaper, chatting and online banking. Reminding the population of life's injustices through censorship mobilises for change and fosters ingenuity.

Google in China, well documented history

Many of us have been quite curious about Google's move out of China. On Google's official blog, A new approach to China: an update ( ) it is presented although the Chinese population is deprived of the world by not having full unfiltered access to the Internet. Borders continue to exist even though the market is the de facto rule. Doing business anywhere the local environment must be considered. This includes China, Germany, Israel, Argentina or even the United States.

This is an assumption that people who are looking for whatever information are incompetent. The Chinese population is well aware of censorship, and many do get around the government censors. A few examples are Tor and
Psiphon. These tools push not only security technology, but also force the population to become more adept at understanding the technology they use on a day to day basis. (Searching for such tools in the Chinese web may be more fruitful... contacts in the real world are also very important. )

Although I do support the bold move by Google, I am not sure it was in their interests by being "sly" or trying to demonstrate they have the most leverage or ability to act. Their services will be replicated or used by local firms, local firms will rebrand an find themselves a way to get into the international market.


In the uncensored world, only a small minority go beyond a newspaper, chatting and online banking. Reminding the population of life's injustices through censorship mobilises for change and ingenuity.

mardi 23 mars 2010

莎莎見義 勇為 迷迷糊糊 我是你的 凶神惡女


加拿大! 政府太腐敗! Stephen Harper 噁心!

你可以猜我是加拿大人,可是一點沒有愛國。 今天的新聞,保守黨不要支持女人的權利。 什麽權利?雖然我不是女,我知道有的時候人沒打算懷孕。因此需要墮胎,因為那個生命不一定對媽媽或者社會有好事。

有另外的理由我對加拿大有不好的感覺。現在我沒有工作。 我不參加什麽的活動, 所以我的生活有點無聊。可是我看普通的生活有什麽……?買房子,開車,養孩子,等等。



samedi 20 mars 2010

我不想撤離 cheli

哇! 我真一個大笨蛋。 我以前的女朋友告訴我我沒有個性。


有的時候我真不知道我的問題是什麽。 以便我沒有自己動機,一邊我不知道我的理想是什麽。 雖然現在應該寫我的論文, 我的感覺是我跟一隻狗的想法一樣。 看妹,吃飯, 聽高高的聲音乾! 你的電腦有無限的滑鼠嗎? 如果有的話把你的滑鼠放你的耳朵旁邊, 說不定你聽到我解釋的聲音。再試試打中文。還有錯,可是我不知道怎麼改點。 噢 是我的字形!!!

關於我的工作, 幸好我不要上班,要不然我死了。

現在我用OpenOffice, 我覺得真不錯。 問題不那麼多, 可是幫忙的資料太少。

samedi 13 mars 2010


有的時候我真不懂存在:工作養孩子買東西。。。 可是我的生活不一樣。 我在寫我的論文。 一邊我怕沒有什麽想告訴誰, 因為我沒有特別的意見。 相反有的人沒什麼事有意見可是這種人不一定真的認識討論的事。


mercredi 3 mars 2010




幹嗎!? 他媽的!其他媽的?!

mardi 2 mars 2010


我滿三十多歲, 可是我我不滿意。
有的人有普通的工作, 所以有空的時候他們趁著那機會做他們的愛好。 最近我有空太多, 不知道幹嗎。不太喜歡做音樂, 不太喜歡學中文或者看文章。

我花了時間太多安裝新的系統電腦上, 可是我的效果率不那麼高。
雖然這是非常簡單, 可是好的環境很重要做好的工作、生活、什麽的。

我的現在的目標 : 找到我喜歡的活動還有什麽工作我覺得好。